zen4R 0.10.1

Bug fixes
- #174 Change in communities endpoint response breaks getCommunities method
zen4R 0.10 (2024-06-05)
- #127 Migration to new Zenodo API (based on InvenioRDM)
- #129 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - communities API endpoint
- #130 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - funders API endpoint
- #131 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - licenses API endpoint
- #132 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - add
vocabulary getters
- #133 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - update record management methods with new API endpoint
- #134 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - grants API endpoint (replaced by awards)
- #135 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - update file management methods
- #136 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - citation export methods
- #137 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - ZenodoRecord model adjustments
- #145 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - Support record resource type
- #146 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - Refactor record creator/contributor model
- #149 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - Refactor record languages management
- #150 Zenodo To InvenioRDM - Refactor record license / rights handling
- #159 Zenodo To InvenioRDM - New method to associate a draft record to a community (review support)
- #160 Zenodo To InvenioRDM - Support addition of funders/awards in ZenodoRecord
New features
- #138Zenodo to InvenioRDM - Support access policy fields/methods
- #144 Add cli as dependency for nice logs
- #147 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - Affiliations API endpoint
- #148 Zenodo to InvenioRDM - Support publisher
- #152 Zenodo To InvenioRDM - New method to associate a record to a community
- #153 Support API 'requests' methods
- #156 Support method to get list of communities associated with a record
- #157 Support method to delete records from communities
zen4R 0.9 (2023-09-20)
New features
- #121 Get Zenodo record views/downloads statistics
- #122 Support
shortcut method to get a Zenodo Record
- #95 Support progress when uploading files
- #114 Avoid re-downloading existing files
- #117 Support single (organisation) name argument in
- #119 Support sandbox argument for ZenodoManager for easy use
- #118 Support sandbox-based controls for license, grant, community management methods
- #123 Support curl fetch for Zenodo records to inherit stats directly
- #124 Align files listing / download on new method to fetch records
- #126 Make field
Bug fixes
- #125 Ensure null stats with deposition decoding (regression that relates to #123)
zen4R 0.8 (2023-01-19)
- #106 Quote DOIs in deposit/record search methods
- #108
additional q
Elastic search argument
- #109
additional q
Elastic search argument
New features
- #110
new method
- #111
new method
zen4R 0.7-1 (2023-01-09)
Bug fixes
- #98 User-Agent related issue with
- relates to #103
- #102 User-Agent related issue with
- relates to #103
- #103 Change User-Agent to bypass Zenodo API server restrictions
zen4R 0.7 (2022-08-19)
Bug fixes
- #84 Error 500 with GET requests (Change in Zenodo server) -> Support
New features
- #77 Support
metadata (not clear yet if actually supported by Zenodo UI)
- #90 Support optional
for related identifiers
- #91 Add missing relations (for related identifiers) supported by Zenodo API
- #92 Add missing upload types supported by Zenodo API
- #93 Add missing publication types supported by Zenodo API
- #97 Upgrade roxygen2 7.2.1 to fix html issues
zen4R 0.6-1 (2022-06-17)
Bug fixes
- #76 getDepositionByDOI() errors when Zenodo returns a 404 (due Zenodo reverting new path mentioned in ##72)
zen4R 0.6 (2022-05-01)
New features
- #66 Add record custom print method supporting various formats (internal + Zenodo supported export formats)
- #71 Add
- #73 Add mapping from published ZenodoRecord to atom4R DCEntry
- #74 Package github-pages with pkgdown
- #72 Zenodo has new path for GET request --> avoid permanent redirect done by Zenodo
Bug fixes
- #70 Fix setEmbargoDate record method
- #74 getRecords ElasticSearch query returns error if it includes spaces
zen4R 0.5-3 (2022-02-16)
- #65 Better handling of record versions
- #67 Rate limit for deleting files
- #68 Standardize R6-class R documentation
zen4R 0.5-2 (2021-11-30)
Bug fixes
- #62 Fix new file upload API - wrong filename spliting
- #63 Fix new file upload API - case with filename with spaces
- #64 Fix new file upload API - actual file upload
zen4R 0.5-1 (2021-10-29)
Bug fixes
- #57 Fix code cleaning in getDepositionById
- #58 Fix getDepositionByConceptDOI method
- #60 Fix old file upload API
zen4R 0.5 (2021-09-15)
New features
- #50 Allow to download record files subset
- #53 Support upload of large files via new Zenodo upload API
- #56 Consolidate deposit versioning & getVersions function
- Set-up of Github actions CI for testing
- #42 Use parallel package as suggests
- #45 Make ZenodoManager anonymous (token-less) calls keyring-free
- #46 Upgrade record getVersions to fit Zenodo html changes
- #54 Improve keyring backend use: keyring 'env' backend by default, changeable by user
Bug fixes
- #47 Fix record
- #54 Folowwing keyring >= 1.2.0 - system password requested for Unix systems
- #48 Document download features in wiki + refine package description
- #49 Add information on installation for Linux/OSX to documentation
zen4R 0.4-1 (2020-09-03)
*#41 Make ZenodoManager raise an error if token is invalid
zen4R 0.4 (2020-09-02)
New features
- #26 addCreator: allow to specify name, rather than firstname/lastname
- #30 simple way to supply token from envvar with
- #31 Methods to list/download files from Zenodo record + wrapper
- #33 Secure API token with 'keyring'
- #34 Add wrapper function to get versions of a Zenodo record
- #32 Remove dependency with rvest package (not stricly needed)
- #36 Small updates to the zen4R wiki
- #27 Fix bugs in addCommunity
- #28 Fix search by concept DOI
- #38 download_zenodo() issue with md5sum
- #39 getDepositionByConceptDOI / getRecordByConceptDOI doesn't return latest record
zen4R 0.3 (2019-08-27)
New features
- #23 Methods to search published records (other than own depositions)
- #24 Exact search/matching with concept DOI doesn't work
zen4R 0.2 (2019-08-02)
New features
- #7 Function to get for a record the citation for a given format
- #8 Support function to create and list record version(s)
- #10 Add method to get concept DOI (generic DOI)
- #11 Support adding/removing references
- #12 Methods for journal metadata elements
- #13 Methods for conference metadata elements
- #14 Methods for 'imprint' metadata elements
- #15 Methods for 'partof' (book/chapter) metadata elements
- #16 Methods for 'thesis' metadata elements
- #17 Methods for 'grants' metadata elements + list supported grants/funders
- #18 Method for 'contributor' metadata elements
- #20 Enable methods to get deposition by DOI / concept DOI
- #21 Support edit operation for already submitted records
- #22 Add method to discard record changes
- #19 Enable query 'q' Elasticsearch parameter in getDepositions / deleteRecords
- #4 deleteRecords returns an error
- #5 getDepositions returns always 10 records
- #9 uploadType "other" is not managed by setUploadType
No issues
zen4R 0.1 (2019-06-04)
First version